
There’s a lot of misinformation about mental illness and psychology in general, so I spend a lot of time trying to improve the quality of information out there. I enjoy working with radio, TV and print journalists and podcasters who want quality content in areas that I’m qualified to speak on. I also encourage journalists to seek out the voices of people with lived experience of mental illness when writing about mental illness.

I’m a frequent co-host on The Bi-Polar Girl podcast, available on all major podcasting platforms.

I’m happy to do paid content when it’s in my area of expertise and there are no conflicts of interest for me as a psychologist. I’m open to writing it myself or acting as a source for another writer.

Contact me at for press or content inquiries.


My first book, Understanding Bipolar Disorder: The Essential Family Guide, grew out of the realization that a lot of my clients, coworkers and friends with chronic mental illness don’t have a lot of emotional support. Some families are abusive or neglectful, some have their own problems, but a lot of them simply don’t have the knowledge and skills to be supportive. This book is my effort to teach understandable, research-driven information about bipolar disorder, and to teach the skills to support your loved ones without getting burned out.

I’ve also written a few pieces for Psychreg, an award-winning blog that makes information about psychology accessible and understandable to a variety of people.

Posts: Video Games Can Be Used as a Therapy: Here’s How (4th most popular post in 2020)

Here’s How to Respectfully Portray People With Mental Illness in Films and Online Media

What To Do When You’re Waitlisted for Therapy

Upcoming: What Do People With Bipolar Disorder Know That Their Therapists Don’t?


I’ve done some consulting with writers, filmmakers and a gaming startup on how to portray mental illness in a way that serves both story and sensitivity to stigma. Sometimes the intention is to remove stigma from a project, and sometimes the goal is to represent it accurately so that people can understand stigma’s emotional effects as well as its effects on relationships, school, housing and work. The basics are in the blog post above, but I’m happy to consult on scripts, fiction or nonfiction writing to help destigmatize your creative work without hurting your ability to tell a good story.